About the NEZF

The Northeast Zonal Forum (NEZF) is a zone comprised of 15 regions in the northeastern United States.


Our primary purpose serves as a catalyst to all our service endeavors in the NEZF through the application of spiritual principles. We work for the joy of selfless service and with the knowledge that our efforts make a difference to the addict who still suffers. We are connected through cooperation fostered by unity, honesty, trust and goodwill.

The NEZF stands unified with the will of the fellowship as expressed through the World Service Conference

The Northeast Zonal Forum (NEZF) was born out of an idea that was nurtured from the first East Coast Convention in 1980. During the eighties, several regions got together to discuss what NA is like in other parts of the country.

A little later, at the 1992 WSC in Dallas, TX, some of us learned that a few other parts of the NA World had already been meeting as Forums or Zones. Several RSRs from the northeast discussed starting a Northeast Zonal Forum and a small meeting was held.

Since that first meeting, the NEZF as a body has continuously discussed what it means to meet as a zone, and how we can best serve our groups, areas, and regions.

In the beginning, we were a purely information sharing forum. Over the years we have evolved into a service body that has committees, workgroups, and engages in strategic planning to better coordinate service efforts.

We meet quarterly, twice per year as a weekend-long hybrid and twice per year as virtual only. On conference years, we meet only once as a weekend-long hybrid. “Hybrid” meeting means we allow for both in-person and virtual participation.


Our meeting schedule can be found on our website: nezf.org

Thank you for allowing us to serve

What we do

Open Participation
Any member may join our workgroups, committees, strategic planning, and discussions.

Consensus-Based Decision-Making (CBDM)
We conduct business using CBDM to ensure that all voices are heard. In doing so, we strive to build our decisions together as opposed to a more traditional yes/no approach.

Strategic Planning
In order to serve our vision, purpose, and message most effectively, the NEZF engages in Strategic Planning. Strategic planning helps focus our service efforts through identification and prioritization of issues, opportunities, goals, approaches, and development of project plans.

Workshops and Training
We conduct workshops to help our Regions and Areas address issues and explore opportunities. Our committees offer training and mentoring across a variety of topics and service positions.

Fellowship Development (FD)
Our Fellowship Development committee meets monthly to discuss ways to better support the service efforts of our areas, regions, and zone. Any NA service body can submit a Service Request on any topic, workshop, or project—such as FD, CBDM, RCM or RD Training, Planning, Issue Discussion Topics (IDTs), and more.

Public Relations (PR)
Our Public Relations committee meets monthly to discuss opportunities for supporting our areas, regions and zone in their public relations efforts. NEZF PR supports a variety of efforts—from helping with local booths, to helping communicate and meet with state government organizations, to helping areas and regions host public presentations for professionals.

Northeastern States Service Symposium (NESSSNA)
NESSSNA is a weekend long service symposium that happens annually in April, except when there is a World Service Conference.

What is a service symposium? Imagine a convention where every topic is about service, the joys of service, best practices, fun in service, and more.