NEZF Calendar

NEZF Main Meeting

Virtual : 4th Sunday of January and July

Hybrid Weekends : 4th Weekend of April / October
Friday 8PM – 10PM / Saturday 9AM – 6PM / Sunday 9AM – 1PM

859 5086 2091
Password: NEZF


4th Sunday of the non-NEZF Months

859 5086 2091
Password: NEZF

NESSSNA Workgroup

H&I Workgroup (PR Committee)

2nd Tuesday 8:00PM
4th Tuesday 9:00PM

831 7026 1043
Password: NEZF

Video Tools Workgroup (FD Committee)

Public Relations Committee

3rd Tuesday

831 7026 1043
Password: NEZF

Fellowship Development Committee

3rd Wednesday

823 7569 9282
Password: NEZF

IT Services Committee

3rd Thursday

817 0129 9176
Password : NEZF

Other Meeting Information