For the Public

Narcotics Anonymous is a nonprofit fellowship or society of men and women for whom drugs had become a major problem. If you are new to our program please come to a meeting and see us.
NA is a program that works. We help each other stay off of drugs and become productive members of society again. After coming to NA we realized we were sick people. We suffered from a disease from which there is no known cure. It can, however, be arrested at some point, and recovery is then possible.
We are located in the north east part of the United States. The geographical area of the North East Zonal Forum includes all of or part of the following states: Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, West Virginia, Washington D.C., Virgina, and North Carolina.

Some useful information and links for addicts and non-addicts wanting to learn more about Narcotics Anonymous:

Membership Survey: Contains the results of a biennial survey of 22,803 NA members.
English (European)Russian | Spanish

Information about NA: Includes facts about the history of NA, organizational philosophy, and membership demographics.
Greek | Italian | Portuguese (Brasil) | Spanish

In Times of Illness: This relied-upon booklet was recently revised to reflect members’ experiences with challenges such as mental health issues, chronic illness and pain, and supporting members with illnesses. It includes section summaries in the table of contents.

NA Groups and Medication: Our Twelve Traditions remind us that medication use is a member’s personal decision, and is an outside issue for NA groups. This piece is intended for groups as they consider this issue. It does not address members’ personal decisions, nor does it try to change members’ opinions about medication. Groups are often better able to carry the message and welcome everyone when members come together to discuss this issue.

For Those in Treatment: In this pamphlet, we offer some suggestions and a basic plan of action to help recovering addicts in the transition from treatment, to continuing recovery in Narcotics Anonymous.

By Young Addicts, For Young Addicts: This pamphlet was developed by young members of Narcotics Anonymous to illustrate the fact that young addicts around the world, speaking many different languages, are getting and staying clean in NA.

An Introduction to NA Meetings: Offers a welcoming introduction, and explains practices unfamiliar to those at their first meetings, and provides tips for groups to preserve an atmosphere of recovery.

Narcotics Anonymous and Persons Receiving Medication-Assisted Treatment: This pamphlet is intended for professionals who prescribe medication to treat drug addiction. The service pamphlet NA Groups and Medication listed in the pamphlet contains a broader discussion of NA members and other medications.