Month: June 2022

NEZF Online Planning Update

Online Planning is nearly done with reviewing our scripts for continuity. Another few meetings and the scripts will be complete and ready to move into the video editing and voice recording phase. We could always use volunteers to help with these tasks ahead of us.

NEZF Guidelines Update

The “broad strokes” on the guidelines have been completed – this includes adding Strategic Planning, moving to a quarterly meeting cycle, 2 year servant terms, and adding best-practice-addendums to the agenda. There is a lot of work left to do and we are now in the wordsmithing phase with our workgroup members each tackling different…
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NEZF : Online Presence Update

Online Presence workgroup is nearly done with rebuilding the NEZF Website. Expect to be able to present a final draft to the NEZF in August 2022 for approval in August or October 2022. Online Presence meets the 3rd Sunday of each month at 8PM on the NEZF Project Zoom ID.

NEZF Public Relations Language/Stigma Service Pamphlet Update

NEZF Public Relations continues to work on a pamphlet to address the language barrier between NA and the public / professionals. This is a work in progress. Come to the NEZF PR Meeting on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 9PM for more information!

Mid Atlantic Corrections Association NA Presence

May 25th – 26th, 2022 the NA had a presence in Atlantic City, NJ at MASCA. Booth hosted by the New Jersey Region with support from the NEZF and Greater Philadelphia